French skincare scientist Carole Franck developed a method of semi-permanent make-up for the eyebrows and lips.
This technique originated in ancient China and has been adapted and updated to suit modern tastes and the complexions of European women.
Carole Franck’s exclusive semi-permanent make-up for eyebrows and lips with its totally natural ingredients will not change their colour to unnatural shades. This treatment is suitable for many different problems: thinning, non-existent eyebrows, alopecia, allergies to make-up, scarring, active lifestyle, sheer laziness!
Applications use sterilised monopointes and tripointes (which are then discarded) and the appropriate pigments will redefine the contours of your eyebrows or lips.
The total effect is semi-permanent and can last for up to three years.
This method – applied exclusively by Carole Franck beauty therapists – can be used to correct the shape and colour of certain features (particularly the eyebrows and lips) and is particularly intended and recommended for:
- Thinning or non existent eyebrows
- People with poor eyesight or who have difficulty applying make-up
- Sports people who do not wish to use make-up
- Scarring through eyebrows or lips
- People who have undergone plastic surgery whose eyebrow position has altered
- Alopecia sufferers
- People allergic to eyebrow pencils
- People who do not have time to apply make-up every day
During consultation, the client and the therapist will choose the appropriate shape of the eyebrow or lip line which will be drawn first with a pencil. When the client is satisfied with the shape, the semi-permanent natural pigment will be applied.
The treatment is long-lasting – but is not irreversible. The colour will gradually fade, but can be altered by another application if so desired.
The pigments are natural, non allergenic, do not cause reactions and are specifically made by Carole Franck for semi-permanent make-up.
As with every treatment offered by Melissa, clients will be given thorough and comprehensive aftercare advice to maintain and protect their investment.